About the Encyclopedia

World Encyclopedia - QPEDIA

An international cultural information encyclopedia that is published on the Internet in three languages (Arabic, English and French) and is subject to the regulations and regulations adopted by the Ministry of Culture and Information and other official bodies related to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Has a permission from the Ministry of Culture and Information with No. (S / 13/1436) dated 10/8/1436).


ⓠ.ⓟⓔⓓⓘⓐ is the universal source of various sciences and knowledge


You write and world read


provide and build the correct information from different sources in various sciences and knowledge..

Encyclopedia values:

  • Promote the spirit of loyalty and belonging in the emerging and rooting the concept of national cohesion.
  • Serving religion, nation and knowledge in all its aspects and contributing to the dissemination of principles, concepts, values and correct information.
  • Contribute to the promotion of aspects of cultural heritage and scientific and linking the emerging.
  • Creating a creative environment for knowledge and a forum for meaningful dialogue.
  • Communication between intellectuals and interested and creative in various aspects of knowledge and in all areas of life.
  • Keep pace with the global cultural tide and in line with contemporary challenges and face them in proportion to them and contribute to the dissemination of Islamic and national heritage and our cultural identity.
  • Discovering, encouraging and supporting talents, and spreading the spirit of competition in the cultural arena and among members of the encyclopedia worldwide.

Objectives of the Encyclopedia

  • Documenting the history, heritage and elements of tourism in the world, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Identify the global cultural tide and contemporary challenges and meet them in proportion to our religion and our homeland and our societies and civilizations in various aspect
  • Contribute to the dissemination of research and books and the service of science and knowledge.
  • Communicate with universities and local and international research centers and centers.
  • Discover talents, refining skills, and development in various sciences and arts and the spirit of competition between them.
  • Establish a database of true cultural information to serve knowledge and the world.
  • Serving researchers with different information and publishing their material.
  • Create a suitable environment for knowledge and a forum for meaningful dialogue.